10 Reasons Why Silver is a Better Investment than Gold
Would you like to see your investments double, how about triple or even quadruple? If you invest in silver you will see just that. If you already invested in silver (when I suggested it years ago) you would have already have seen your investments doubled. Can you say that about real estate or stocks? NO. If you want to become rich in the very near future, hock everything, quit buying stupid worthless things and start buying physical silver.Right now we are watching a historical rise in the price of silver and gold and while gold has always been the king of metals I would like to make the case that silver will not only out-pace gold but it has already done so. Even with the current set back silver is still up 50% from last year!
Why should silver win the currency race?
There are 10 reasons why silver has already out-paced gold and will continue to do so in the very near future, they are:
Silver has not been hoarded, while gold has so that there is now more gold on the planet than silver. If you are looking for the best deals on gold visit Merrion Gold website. You'll find out more about their big offer of krugerrands
Among their gold coins you will find South African Krugerrand, American Gold Eagle or Canadian Maple Gold. Don't wait. Invest in gold now:
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Moreover, the United States government has stockpiles of Gold but none of silver, what do you think will happen when and if the U.S. Government starts buying silver like China is already doing? It will cause the price to escalate even more than it already has.
Silver is used in all kinds of products, and some of those products are poised to break out in mass production. Products such as solar panels, RFID chips, computer products and cell phones to name a few.
Silver is way undervalued historically when compared to Gold. Silver is now at approximately a 30 to 1 ratio, historically it has been 10 to 1. Even if silver went up to 10 to 1 ratio right now that would make it $140 dollars an ounce, tripling the price.
The mining costs for silver are lower than gold, however the demand for silver is larger than gold. Gold has little use in industry. Silver is now more rare than gold because of this. We now have less silver (above ground) than gold. Historically for every 1 ounce of gold mined 10 ounces of silver was mined, however this is changing and the above ground silver supply is diminishing because it is being used in all those products.
Gold is no longer affordable for the small investor, silver still is. Many investors think that Gold will rise to $15,000 an ounce which means that silver might go to $1,500 per ounce or 1/10th of gold. As inflation rises, silver and gold will rise in value...if they keep printing fiat money inflation will rise. Gold will also rise but since it is already so high it most likely will not rise as quickly as silver.
Industrial demand for silver is climbing. As more and more countries become industrialized the demand for silver will climb higher and higher.

Silver has already quadrupled in the past 3 years, the economic climate has not improved. Gold has only doubled in the same period of time. So historically it has out-paced gold already.
JP Morgan and other private banks are shorting ETF's (silver stocks) what this means when silver goes up is that they have to cover their shorts (or bets) and buy at higher prices than when they bought (by the way if you buy an ETF in silver and there is no physical silver these banks have in their fine print that they can pay you in fiat money aka cash). The result of all this is the increased rise in the price of silver because even more silver will be taken out of the market.
The smart investors like Robert Kawasaki, Peter Schiff and Mike Maloney are counseling people to buy silver over gold because it is a better investment. If you would have followed their advice in the past your wealth would have increased exponentially. So their track record is right on, why would you listen to people who are telling you to invest in the stock market when they have historically been wrong while these men have been correct historically.
Personally, I think silver is more beautiful than gold. While this would not cause me to stake my future financial well being I think it doesn't hurt either. Silver is used as jewelry and this aspect of it along with all the other reasons contributes to its current worth (besides I needed a 10th item and this was all I could come up with

Finally, an investment in silver is a no-brainer, you cannot lose. The probability that silver will at least double to $100 dollars an ounce is a certainty (in my mind). The likelihood that silver will rise to much higher levels is becoming more and more promising with each passing day. If you want to be rich someday buy physical silver today...and lots of it!