MapleStory wedding cartoons feature the romance, drama of online love
Nexon America has released two cartoon videos dramatizing what it is like to get married in MapleStory, one of the most popular massively multiplayer online games in the world. The videos dramatize how players meet in-game, fall in love and eventually get married.
To celebrate the romance surrounding Valentine's Day, MapleStory is also discounting in-game weddings 50 percent through Feb. 19 and each happy couple will receive a special gift. On Valentine's Day, players who log in will receive a free heart balloon cape to show off their romantic spirit.
In MapleStory, the wedding system is one of the more popular features of the game, and during 2012, more than 15,000 of the 28,000 in-game couples who were engaged and married in-game broke up. Also, between 2010 and 2012, more than 70,000 couples were engaged and married in-game. By that same token, many couples have also broken up, with more than 33,000 engagements and marriages ending between 2010 and 2012.
Other marriage and divorce stats include:
The longest marriage in MapleStory is 1,100 days
The shortest marriage in MapleStory is 3 seconds.
The most number of marriages for a single user was 13
The average duration of a married couple in MapleStory is 518 days.
The day with the most marriages was January 7, 2012 with 115 total (January also had the most # of marriages total, October had the least).
The month with the most divorces/broken engagements in MapleStory was July, 2012.
The day with the most divorces/broken engagements in MapleStory was September 8, 2012 with 99 total.

Multimedia assets:

To download the two videos and in-game wedding B-roll and screenshots, look in Nexon's large media FTP site. If you decide you need to have additional important information on the subject of sparklers for weddings nj ; travel to check this link right here now and even have a peek at these guys directly.Look in the MapleStory folder, in the sub-folder called "Wedding & Divorce Assets 2013" for the screens and video.
?To access the FTP, go to: or; Username: nxpr; PW: u13!